30 Food Memes That Will Make You ROFL
- By Henna AchhpalLoading...
- | 20 Jun 2019 12:23 PM GMT
In these times of outrage, heated debate and fake news, the best (and possibly the only redeeming) thing about the Internet is MEMES! And we love them memes. They never fail to make a tough day slightly better and what's even greater than memes? Food Memes, of course! We bet this collection of the choicest 30 food memes from all over the internet will have you in splits by the end. Don't forget to share this with fellow foodies who will relate.
White people and their assumption that all Indian food is spicy *insert roll eyes emoji*
Also Read: 15 Signs That Prove You're a True Foodie
Relate Level: MAX. Right?
I mean, who says no to dessert?!
Talk about disappointment.
All Indian Tupperware has trademark haldi stains. Yes?
When your humour is beyond the average person.
Does anyone love their tableware as much as this woman in Northern California?
Story at the end of every month!
Are you one of those whose spice setting is permanently set to low?
Story of all our lives, right?
This picture makes us cry!
It's good to reflect at our life objectively, at times.
When the bartender refuses to acknowledge your presence.
Alternating between scrolling on Zomato and Swiggy.
The only thing that is worth sacrificing naps for!
Do you ever get HANGRY?
No matter how experienced you are in the kitchen, no one can get the pasta quantity right.
Indians just love methi.
Food, meet Hungry. Hungry, meet food.
No offence, vegans!
When people just don't get that Pepsi and Coke are NOT one and the same.
Even out tummies are Black Holes when it comes to dessert.
Why did our parents love fruit cake with white icing so much?
When you need even your life advice in food terms.
There's no other criteria that matters.
All of us. Everyday.
Not before you give me my cookie!
Which is the food you have to be forced to eat?