Poha By Archana
This easy to make Poha(पोहे ) recipe is best for light and healthy breakfast or an evening snack. Learn how to make Poha in few easy to follow steps and enjoy homemade Poha with Archana.
- By Archana ArteLoading...
- | 23 Sept 2012 5:09 AM IST
- Heat 3-4 tbsp of oil
- Till the oil heats, soak the poha
- Add little water at a time because it becomes difficult to estimate the amount of water that is needed.
- Soak the poha for 10-15 minutes
- Once the oil is heated add ½ tsp mustard seeds, 1/s tsp cumin seeds, 10-12 curry leaves, 3-4 green chillies, ½ tsp turmeric powder ,1 cup of chopped onion and salt according to taste
- Add ½ tsp sugar and add cocnut and coriander for garnish
- Add finely chopped potatoes
- Cover it with a lid for 5 minutes to let the potatoes cook
- It isn’t compulsory to use potatoes in the recipe
- This recipe can serve about 3 to 4 people.
- The onions are cooked but the potatoes are still raw
- TIP: Place a lid on top and let the potatoes cook faster with the steam that will be generated
- At this point, reduce the gas flame a little, or else the onions will get burnt
- To check if the potatoes are cooked use a spoon or folk and see if it breaks easily
- If they do break easily, consider the potatoes cooked
- Now add the perfectly soaked poha
- At this point squeeze some lime
- TIP: It is okay if you don’t add lime. You can even cut a small piece and serve it on the side with the poha
- While mixing this together, increase the flame
- If you are in a hurry to serve the dish, toss it a bit and put it on the serving dish. Or else, just steam it for 5 minutes before serving
- The poha is ready
- Add some coconut and coriander for garnish

Archana Arte
Archana shares simple recipes, cooking techniques and kitchen hacks to make delicious Maharashtrian food. Watch Archana prepare simple yet mouth-watering recipes on Archana�s Rasoi.
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